Key Members
Mr. Dr.Kuldeep Singh: Dr. Singh (a MBBS and master of Public Health from Hebrew University, Israel and he is also a PhD in Health Economics from University of Melbourne) was a member of ABHINAV NIRMAN and made significant contribution towards Development of this organisation. He has made efforts in identifying potential intervention areas where organisation need to focus upon. The technical guidance of Mr. Singh made this organisation in understanding its potential.
Mr. Manohar Kumar: An eminent Media Personal from the state of Bihar Mr. Manohar had made several efforts in promoting Abhinav Nirman to the vast majority of people who have recognized this orgnisation as a grass root level organisation working for the development of the people. Mr. Manohar has made contribution in raising local funds from the people to nurture and sustain Abhinav Nirman for three years since its inception.
Mr. Ramesh Mishra: Possess experience in Professional Journalism and Social Work with hands-on experiences in Print & Television media. Have been working with reputed International media houses like Network18 (CNN-IBN, IBN7, CNBC) and NGO like W.H.O has made efforts in providing technical guidance.
Mr. Abhishek Kumar Garg: Social Activist with extensive Training experience in various social issues at grass root level. Have been working with reputed International NGO like WHO, UNCEF, GENEVA GLOBAL etc. Mr. Garg has been working in development sector since last 10 years and is a founder member of ABHINAV NIRMAN making efforts in nurturing this organisation. He has been looking after overall administration of AN.
Mr. Ashutosh Kumar: Having a development professional and a social activist Mr. Kumar posses’ professional orientation in the field of Social work practice. He has been contributing this organization as a Officiating president and looking after internal communication and collaboration.
Mr. Kumar Abhimanyu: Is a corporate and has his own business in Delhi, Kolkata and Bihar. Having a social activist and a bent of social mind Mr. Abhimanyu is continuously supporting the Programmes of Abhinav Nirman and participates in activities. He is associated with this organisation since last one year.